Full Example
Integration Process
How to get started.
Merchants are required to implement the below endpoints:
1 Proxy π
The Proxy functions as an interface, allowing Bill24 to retrieve customer or invoice data whenever a payment is initiated through any of the available bank channels.
This endpoint implement by Merchant side.
Method: POST
Please provide the best URL endpoint: https://yourdomain/proxy
Example Request Payload
//could be invoice code, consumer code or something that merhcant identify to in query.
"consumer_code": "CU003035"
Example Response Payload
"code": 0,
"message": "Success",
"message_kh": "",
"data": {
"consumer_code": "CU003035",
"consumer_name": "αααα ααΈα",
"consumer_name_latin": "Nheb Nim",
"phone": "010888999",
"currency": "USD",
"due_amount": 10,
"min_amount": -1,
"max_amount": 5000,
"balance": 0,
"description": "Invoice on Feb-2024",
"last_bill_date": "2024-2-29 10:46:33",
"last_due_date": "2024-3-30 10:46:33",
"last_pay_date": "2024-01-05 10:46:33"
2 Webhook π
When customers make a payment, Bill Gateway will instantly inform the Merchant / Biller System about the transaction status through a Webhook. The transaction details sent to the Webhook endpoint will be in JSON format.
This endpoint implement by Merchant side.
Method: POST
Please provide the best URL endpoint: https://yourdomain/webhook
Example Request Payload
"tnx_id": "BUb4CmDE",
"tran_amount": 10,
"customer_fee": 0.20,
"supplier_fee": 0,
"total_amount": 10.20,
"currency": "USD",
"bank_name": "ACLEDA",
"bank_ref": "FT00003941",
"customer_sync_code": "",
"customer_code": "CU003035",
"customer_name": "Nheb Nim",
"customer_phone": "09294303",
"paid_by": "893-349-349-3449",
"paid_date": "2024-02-29 10:46:33",
"description": "",
"checkout_ref": "",
"bills": []
Example Response Payload
"status": "Success",
"message": "SUCCESS",
If there is a failure when posting the webhook to your end, we will make up to 5 retry attempts following our queue rules.