https://mock.apidog.com/m1/444561-0-default/webhookBill24 send transaction detail through this interface to merchant. This endpoint implement by merchant side.
Change to your best URL:https://yourdomain/webhook
Request Header mock API:
Name | value | Description |
Success |
success |
Test case successful (default success) |
Fail |
fail |
Test case fail |
Reference transaction at Bill24
Transaction number at Bill24
Transaction type
1.Bank Channel: transaction from Bank channel (mobile app, …)
2.KHQR: transaction scan QR code pay
3.Deeplink/Checkout: transaction from checkout page or from deeplink app to app
4.Direct Debit: transaction auto direct debit
Transaction date (Current Date )
Original amount of the transaction
Currency code ISO 4217 (USD, KHR...)
Bank code at Bill24
Bank’s name
Reference number at bank side
Reference number at merchant side
(This code used to confirm the payment)
Bill issue date or bill number
Serial number of QR code display device or terminal
Status of the transaction
List of customer data
Branch code
The name of the branch
Customer code
The name of the customer
The name of the customer in Latin
Bill or invoice number
Amount of the bill or invoice
"tran_id": "348b4b16-1f06-4563-8204-105a8420a067",
"tran_no": "6K0BTGwG7HsF",
"payment_service_type": "Bank Channel",
"tran_date": "2024-11-29T16:58:16.727168",
"tran_amount": 45,
"currency": "USD",
"bank_code": "AC",
"bank_name": "ACLEDA",
"bank_ref": "AC00112301",
"identity_code": "37627011",
"purpose_of_transaction": "",
"device_code": "",
"status": "success",
"customers": [
"branch_code": "",
"branch_name": "",
"customer_code": "37627011",
"customer_name": "MAO SAMON",
"customer_name_latin": "",
"bill_no": "",
"amount": 45
Request samples
"status": "Success",
"message": "SUCCESS"