Transaction Initiation
transaction/v2/initThis operation is to create transaction at Bill24.
Merchant who using our SDKs can usetran_id
from response payload to load the SDK
Required merchant redirect_url
to open success, Bill24 SDKs also have a default success screen.
Reference number from merchant system
Bill issue date or bill number
Serial number of QR code display device or terminal(You need to map the device code in your system)
Currency code (ISO 4217)
Amount to pay
Language km
Khmer , en
The URL that will redirect to when customer cancel the payment
The URL that will redirect to after payment completed
Payment channel code(You can get channel code from GetBillerProfile function)
User reference
List of customer data
Branch code
The name of the branch
Customer Code
The name of the customer
The name of the customer in Latin
Bill or invoice number
Amount of the bill or invoice
"identity_code": "test001dfdfA",
"purpose_of_transaction": "13",
"device_code": "1113",
"description": "",
"currency": "KHR",
"amount": 10000,
"language": "km",
"cancel_url": "",
"redirect_url": "",
"channel_code": "CH1",
"user_ref": "x111",
"customers": [
"branch_code": "GB",
"branch_name": "BBB",
"customer_code": "C01",
"customer_name": "BOT",
"customer_name_latin": "BOT",
"bill_no": "123",
"amount": 10000
Request samples
Response code
Response message in English
Response message in Khmer
"code": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Transaction init successful",
"message_kh": "បង្កើតប្រតិបត្តិការជោគជ័យ",
"data": {
"tran_id": "7B9807BB3854",
"identity_code": "test001dfdfA",
"payment_link": "",
"khqr_string": "00020101021230400016amkbkhppxxx@amkb010477770208TESTKHQR520449005802KH5921ស៊ុបភើមែនខេអេកឃ្យូអ័រ6010Phnom Penh540810800.0053031165502025606800.0062470306Bill240512test001dfdfA070411130802131103CH163040E83"